Sunday, May 22, 2005

Hummingbird Back Early

We typically see hummingbirds return in July. We have had 4-5 fighting for dominance over our feeder every year for the last 3.

Last week as I was leaving for work, I saw one flying on the edge of the woods. I rushed back in and made up some nectar and hung it in a feeder. Never saw the bird again. Figured it might have been one in transit to its own home range.

This morning, another appeared at our back windows. Once again, I put up a feeder and bingo! The little creature came and fed. Unfortunately, I was working from memory and doubled the amount of sugar in the formula. I went to and found my error. Now that the accurate nectar (4 parts H2O to 1 part sugar) is in the feeder,

I hope the bird will return.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
